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About L E Claybon

l.e. claybon

L.E Claybon

Laurie E. Claybon was born the son of Robert and Minnie Claybon on September 1, 1897, in Pollock, Texas. He attended elementary school in Pollock and finished high school at Butler College in Tyler, Texas. He earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Prairie View A&M College and also studied at the University of California-Berkley.

Professor Claybon, as he was affectionately known, served 42 years as a principal in Texas public schools – 39 of those years as principal of the segregated Booker T. Washington High School in Forney. His leadership is credited by many as a significant factor in the peaceful integration of the Forney schools. He understood that the quality of the building makes a powerful impact on teaching and learning.

It is appropriate that our school building bears his name. Professor L.E. Claybon was truly a pioneer in education and a champion for children.

β€œHe rose to the challenge with grace and dignity.”